Artikel Dosen


Impact of Altitude and Seasons to Volume, Brix Content, and
Chemical Composition of Aren Sap in North Sulawesi

Herdianto Lantemona1, Abdul L. Abadi2 Arief Rachmansyah3, Julius Pontoh4
1Doctoral Program, Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University, Malang 65145 East Java, Indonesia and;
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Minaesa Institute of Technology, Jl. Stadion Selatan Walian-Tomohon, 95439,
North Sulawesi.

The Effect of Ammonium Sulphate, Calcium Chloride, Magnesium
Chloride, pH and Temperature on Ethanol, Carbon Dioxide and
Fermentation Efficiency from Aren sap

1Herdianto Lantemona, 2Abdul L. Abadi, 3Arief Rachmansyah, 4Julius Pontoh
1Doctoral Program on Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, Malang, East Java of Indonesia
1Faculty of Industrial Technology, Minaesa Institute of Technology, Tomohon, North Sulawesi of Indonesia
2Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, Malang, East Java of Indonesia
3Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya, Malang, East Java of Indonesia
4Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado, North Sulawesi of

The Effect of Yeast Amounton Aren Sap to the Patterns of
Growth and Development of Yeast During Fermentation

Dr. Herdianto Lantemona
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Minaesa Institute of Technology, Tomohon, Indonesia.

Combination Treatment Effect Of Ammonium Sulphate,
Ph And Optimal Temperature On Fermentation

Dr.Herdianto Lantemona
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Minaesa Institute of Technology, Tomohon, North Sulawesi.

Liquid Waste Utilization of Coconut Flour Industry at PT. Royal
Coconut Airmadidi asan Alternative Fuel

Herdianto Lantemona1, Jeljion Yobong2,
Festus Evly R.I. Liow1, Frangky Turang1
1) Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Technology Industry, Institute Technology of Minaesa, Indonesia;
2) Technical Staff of the Production Department of PT. Royal Coconut Airmadidi, North Sulawesi.

Preference Level Effect to the Additional of Aloe Vera Gel and
Lime Juice in producing “Cap Tikus” Hand Sanitizer”

Herdianto Lantemona1*
Jordy A. Potoboda2**
Festus Evly R.I. Liow3* Ronald Y. Boka4**